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Going from orbital to rotory.

  Bus w**ker
Yeah I have only just got it, along with someone elses,...f**k knows what's gone wrong there.

I looked at that one on i4d, looks like a goodun especially for the price. But rotary still scares me lol, so I'll just go for a DAS-6 and play it safe for a bit.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
best bet that mate. Iv had my megs for 1 year+ and done quiet a few cars... Had a play with it when i got it... I pc'd my cheek and the heat build up is mad


  Focus TDCi
You PC'd your bum? I still can't commit to spending the money - got twitchy finger over the pay button.
Meh :rasp: bought some glossy as fook polish aswell ;)


Ive also come to thinking this in the last few days after using my g220, although im just not confident enough to go rotary and im sure that the DA could combat most defects; i just dont have the patience to find out!

I think the benefit of the rotary is its downfall: greater heat means greater correction ability but more risk of damage.
It is with great sadness that I have to report the injury of Luke "putting a donk on it" Boosh.

He was caught in a blow back fire, likely to have been started through mis-use of his rotary, coupled with the flammable fumes of EGP, which witnesses say he had been inhaling at the time.

Our thoughts are with Andy's car, which suffered multiple burnt patches and now looks pisch.

