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Good Bye Sunflower

  RB 197
From getting your text earlier as you can imagine i'm properly gutted for loosing our TS chariman's car but more importantly we still have our Greg. Sad story and now one less Sunny on the road, wounded :( x


ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
I was just telling my friend tonight how rare sunflowers are, unfortunately even rarer now,

It isnt nice when something is taken from you when you couldnt decide the fate, but atleast you were ok and that's the main thing


ClioSport Club Member
Sad to see a sunflower in a bit of a state, but it could have been worse. Atleast no body was hurt.


ClioSport Club Member
What a weapon, glad you're ok. FLOL at the door stuck to his car-looks shopped it's so severe!

Hopefully the insurance company will fork out for repairs, be such a shame to lose another sunflower ph1 :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Trophy, TVR Tamora
That a shitter, lovely example too.. least you're alright though thats the main thing!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Some of those pics don't even look real?! Million-to-one collision that.

Such a shame that a sunflower has been nailed. :( Glad nothing happened to you physically though....

Yes Jason, the impact happened where the white van is too, so you can see where it travelled.

Cheers guys, appreciate the concern and good will messages. Just awaiting insurance getting back to me now, but hardly slept last night I'm in near agony with my neck.

Also I was wearing my glasses in the crash and they've flown off somewhere, and I've lost them. LOL.
  172 ph1
thats mad how the door came off the way it did ive never seen that before...pretty nackered though isnt it! at least your ok mate


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
:( Greggles!

Gutted for you mate!

Least you're okay, weird accident and in the 8 years i've been working in Body Repair I have never ever seen that happen, Renaults have the strongest hinges/pins of pretty much any manufacturer!

Good thing is though I can help you get a good settlement, ease the pain a little. :) PM your number mate and a picture of your face! :eek:

Just need your reg and what mileage was on the car mate, make sure you get what the car is "really" worth and not what you think it's worth. :)


ClioSport Moderator
Gally, fixing insurance quotes since 2010.

That magazine feature went to his head, don't cha' know.

I'm looking at those images again, and depending upon how much of a perfectionist you are, you could get it back on the road for not too much maybe?

It's only a small dent in the rear wing, apart from that it surely only needs new door, wing and rear glass and seat?

That's assuming there's no structural, and you're not too fussy about the airbag computer... hmmm, maybe not...
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
s**t! Man im gutted for you. As Gally has said, thats a truly bizzare accident! As long as you are ok though matey.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
FFS Greg, sorry to see this mate :( A cliché but at least you're ok, proper gutted for you though.
Hmmmmm, twisted metal.


Cheers guys, would do pretty much anything to get her back.
  Black 'Cup Packed' 197
Only just seen this mate, gutted for you. Hope you get it all sorted soon fella and with as little as hassle as possible.

