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Google Maps Help

  Not a Clio
I've created a map that I want to share with hundreds of placemarks.

The problem I am having is that so far it's split them onto 2 pages (I may end up with 3 or 4) and it will not show ALL placemarks from those 2 pages.

If I click on page 1 I can see page 1's placemarks only and likewise if I click on pag 2, I can only see page 2's placemarks.

Any ideas on how to display all of them in one go?
  Not a Clio
According to google maps help, we're limited to 100 placemarks displaying at any one time.

Looks like I've just wasted a few hours of my life. b****cks!
  Not a Clio
It seems that mapplets may be the answer but what I'm reading is sending me round in circles and talks about links on the google maps page that don't seem to exist.

If I get it sorted I'll let you know!
Yap, with the new version you can have multiple mapplets on a single page, excellent.

Just trying to get google maps sorted on a new website, quite annoying. Guy next to me is a genius, has no issues coding, tries things first time and always works, I want to smack him round the head!

It seems that mapplets may be the answer but what I'm reading is sending me round in circles and talks about links on the google maps page that don't seem to exist.

If I get it sorted I'll let you know!
