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Got my self a megs g220

  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Right so the g220 arrived friday;) ( thanks again matt for top notch service & rapid deliverey from :cool: )

So now the time has come to de-swirl my parents black lexus rx300, up till a couple of months ago it looked great, washed with 2 bucket, grit gaurd, 2 wash mitts etc & for the year of ownership it looked great.. until.. it got a service wash at lexus :( ... basically its come back covered in swirls like you couldn't belive :dead: , i cant belive you could do so much damage in one wash but worst of all they didn't even do the whole car, you could see patches they missed :eek:

So told the parents the only solution & here i am, now i've had a few reads but cant find any guides that focus on the g220 & the pads & polishes so just need abit of advice, basically i got the megs package from i4detailing which included the 3 diffrent types of megs pads & the 80 polish glaze & the 83 polish compound, so what do you guys reckon i should start with pad, polish speed wise? or may have a play on my 1.2 first, may be a little cheaper than the lexus to fix :eek:

  106 GTi
I would not worry to much about finding a G220 specific guide, any UDM or Porter Cable guide will tell you the info you need.


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
My G220 arrived on Friday and I had a quick session on the wifes 106 GTi to try it out...


As you can see, it was swirled to death originally and the G220 got them out :cool:

Not done the whole car yet as I didn't have time, but will be doing it soon and it should look amazing, just in time for it to be sold


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
I would not worry to much about finding a G220 specific guide, any UDM or Porter Cable guide will tell you the info you need.

just read the DA Polishing guide by DaveKG on detailingworld ;)
  106 GTi
My G220 arrived on Friday and I had a quick session on the wifes 106 GTi to try it out...


As you can see, it was swirled to death originally and the G220 got them out :cool:

Not done the whole car yet as I didn't have time, but will be doing it soon and it should look amazing, just in time for it to be sold

What combo did you use ? I have a swirly Maritius Blue 106 GTi to collect this week and try sort for Combe on Saturday!

If all goes to plan I will be collecting on Thursday night and have Friday to machine it!!! eeek !

What age and mileage is your wifes ?
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Cheers guys, will have a good read up & hope for good weather this weekend!

rich-d what pad/polish combination did you use? thats the sorta swirling the lexus has got
i Had a wee look on youtube....just sift through the crap vids, there are some good ones out there.


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
What combo did you use ? I have a swirly Maritius Blue 106 GTi to collect this week and try sort for Combe on Saturday!

If all goes to plan I will be collecting on Thursday night and have Friday to machine it!!! eeek !

What age and mileage is your wifes ?

that pic shows it after a hit with Poorboy's SSR2.5 and a Sonus SFX-1 (yellow) pad

I then followed up with Autoglym SRP on a white pad, which didn't remove any more defects but brought it up to a superb deep shine, ready for wax over the top, which I'll do by hand

it's a 1999 car with 79k miles, but it's not been looked after well in the cleaning department, we've had it 3.5 years now and I never really bothered with it, but we're selling it so it's getting sorted :cool:


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
rich-d what pad/polish combination did you use? thats the sorta swirling the lexus has got

I use the Sonus SFX pads, in both 4" & 6" sizes, with the Poorboy's SSR compounds and Autoglym SRP, finishing off with Collinite 476S wax by hand

see my previous post for pad/polish combos
  106 GTi
Nice one Rich. I am planning Menzerna Intensive Polish and Megs #80 on mine on Friday so hopefully it should do the trick.

It is a shame as it has a great gloss but is swirly as hell.
Nice one Rich. I am planning Menzerna Intensive Polish and Megs #80 on mine on Friday so hopefully it should do the trick.

It is a shame as it has a great gloss but is swirly as hell.


I used Menz Ip and SSR 1 on the china blue one i sold last year.

Came up a treat.

That was a 98 plate with 78k on it.
  106 GTi
I need the quickest combo I can get away with on what may be a day to get a whole car show ready, don't want to have to park a Clio on the PSOOC stand for the third year running.
  106 GTi
Nice one - normally I would not be to bothered but my normal show prep takes a day without machine polishing so I have no time to piss about !
