That was my point, if I were to buy one, could it be removed and have rear seats fitted?
Oh hi!
It has been done - take a look on NAM
But it is not just a simple job of fitting seats
1 you have to buy and weld in all of the seat mounting brackets - yep none of them are there. I am not sure if ALL of the seat belt mountings are in or not - the top rear ones are not..
2 you need buy all of the trim panels, the seats / belts etc
3 you need to re-register / type approve the car with DVLA / VOSA as the GP is registered and type approved as a 2 seater
4 Insurance company need to be informed
5 the GP is a 2 seater by design and it is part of the GP package
6 if you want 4 seats buy an S, if you want your 4 seater S to look like a GP then buy a few GP parts and fit them

It was in my plans, when I nearly bought one. Decided to keep the spare cash and bought the TT for the time being.