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Greenlight insurance

  ff 182
Had my car insurance renew from Norwich Union for £1,035.99 fully comp.rang greenlight and they quoted me £557.00 fully comp with 3nch and 1 chuffed
  MCS R56
Greenlight....might check that. My insurance is due this month. Best quote so far - Admiral £250.
I've just renewed for a 3rd term, £100 cheaper than last year including a property move.

Was told a cover note would be sent, got a phone call minutes later saying it was going 1st class that day which then arrived in the post yesterday morning.

Top stuff guys :approve:
me too... my cover note arrived 17 hours after speaking to them on the phone!

they werent the cheapest, but apparently couldnt go any lower. I only stayed with them due to the Track Day cover they can offer me.
  182 Cup
Told me the same about a 172 Cup when I thought I was buying one, Directline were cheapest after them for that car.
