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GT turbo not starting


ClioSport Club Member

Right me 5s had new battery, new dizzy cap, new leads, new spark plugs - still wont start!!!

Whats next - rotor arm?

Doing me swede in!!!!

Its turning over just not firing up....

fuelling? you checked that there is fuel getting to the carb or into the cylinders ? looks like youve checked most of the ignition side


ClioSport Club Member

theres a slight spark but its not a second or so that it should be

Can hear the feul pump, but id need to disconnect the petrol feed to see if its getting to the carb.

its bloody annoying!!!

Righty pop the plastic air feed off the top of the carb, open the throttle, if you get a squirt of fuel then fuels there.

What do you mean by a spark thats a second or so?


ClioSport Club Member

it sparked once on the old plugs but not every second or so which it should do.

Naughty Boy

Brembo! Brembo! Brembo!
ClioSport Club Member

This is a dumb ass question, but i have to ask it! do your lights work? if they do do they flicker?

get a plug stick it in the coil HT lead rest it on the cam cover or something and crank the engine. You should get an almost constant flashing.

If that checks out ok, do the test on each lead. They should also be a damn sight quicker than once a second.

If they dont spark then the rotor arm may be dodgy or missing (we have all done it).
