Well as it's a lovely day and I didn't want to be stuck inside I thought I'd clean my car up, sadly the wax that Gally recommended won't get here till tuesday so it will be done properly next weekend, just really a clean up now as was bored
Few before photos of the car, it was mainly just dusty bits on the car more than full on dirt
Excuse the reflection
So on to a good wash
I was then getting joined by these anoying tiny bugs, I think I polished about 10 into the car as I got bored of getting rid of them all
Some rather glorious polish swirls if I do say so myself
Now to the after shots just one of a nice reflection at home
Then i went for a drive about to find somewhere nice to take some photos, got kind of lost so don't ask where these were taken as I don't have a clue lol
It was very uneven and i kind of nose dived into some dirt which got the splitter dusty straight away...
Finally my awful attempt at an arty shot haha has to be put up really lol
Hope you like anyways, my mate has some more photos which i might add later if I get them off him, and might add some more once it's got the wax on next weekend. I hope you enjoyed the variation in image sizes too
Few before photos of the car, it was mainly just dusty bits on the car more than full on dirt
Excuse the reflection
So on to a good wash
I was then getting joined by these anoying tiny bugs, I think I polished about 10 into the car as I got bored of getting rid of them all
Some rather glorious polish swirls if I do say so myself
Now to the after shots just one of a nice reflection at home
Then i went for a drive about to find somewhere nice to take some photos, got kind of lost so don't ask where these were taken as I don't have a clue lol
It was very uneven and i kind of nose dived into some dirt which got the splitter dusty straight away...
Finally my awful attempt at an arty shot haha has to be put up really lol
Hope you like anyways, my mate has some more photos which i might add later if I get them off him, and might add some more once it's got the wax on next weekend. I hope you enjoyed the variation in image sizes too