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has anybody ever......

  Clio 172 Cup, Audi A
......tried retrimming doorcards themselves with alcantara?

If you have.....can someone tell me how easy it is and what adhesives you used to make it fix in place!!


Tom :)
I'm not much help but it's something i'd like to know as I want to try this too.
I suppose it really depends how determined you are to get it right a mate tried it a while back the hardest part was trying follow the curves without leaving creases in the material
  Clio 172 Cup, Audi A
i reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaly want to do it, so much so I am buying another set of doorcards so that I can transform them so if it looks crap then I still have my originals lol....

See what you mean about the curves though....its gonna be interesting :S
If you've got two sets of door cards just go for it nothing to loose think the hardest part will be trying to get it smooth around where the electric mirror switch is but if you've got a door card then take all the plastic bits out then pull of the original material and use that to cut a pattern.
Not sure on what glue to use won't take much to stick it pva maybe lol
  Mégane RS
Theres another thread where someones dont this (tiger) i think, where they put bigger speakers in too
  "Navy" N17 TWO
Theres another thread where someones dont this (tiger) i think, where they put bigger speakers in too

That would be me lol :cool:
Don't know how hard it would be to actualy do as my iCE deadler is doing the work

I'm having my whole interior done in black & charcoal - I'll let you know how I get on but heres a little taster...



The re-trimming job on that looks well done theirs a good company around me that do some top class work it's the money they charge though it's ridiculous.
I think it's worth trying but doubt i'll be able to get it as good as that.
Nice work mate
