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Has anyone ever heard or used these

  A well built VW
Helix compnents

Seen some advertised as rrp £260 but on sale at £80 but ive never heard of them and wondered if they are any good as focals and rainbows are similar in price


helix are very good also usually very expensive but i personally would stick to focal or rainbow fella for most people the quality of these is something else especialy the focal k2p 61/2 comps:eek:
  A well built VW
^ Im on a budget dont wanna spend more than a ton on a set of components so im looking at entry level rainbow and focal whereas these are surely a bit more high end
Spammy i was watching some Genesis ones on ebay but in the end i missed the last bid and was gutted as they went for around £65 but why buy second hand at that price if i can get new
£100 delivered for Genesis Profile 13's. Mint condition, fully boxed etc ;)

PS: But if you can get the helix's at the price you've stated i'd go for those.
