Every single person in this entire club would be pissed if a football dented their car. Anyone pretending otherwise is just trying to be different for the sake of it. Fact. Close. Ban. Uninstall.
Every single person in this entire club would be pissed if a football dented their car. Anyone pretending otherwise is just trying to be different for the sake of it. Fact. Close. Ban. Uninstall.
I can honestly say i've never kicked a football against a car, or played football in the street, to lower class for me, I played it in my huge garden.
if kids kicked a football at my car i wouldnt say 'oh well kids will be kids' and crack a smile and carry on
netiher would anyone else
the responses on this forum are laughable
if kids kicked a football at my car i wouldnt say 'oh well kids will be kids' and crack a smile and carry on
netiher would anyone else
the responses on this forum are laughable