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Headlight bulb issue


ClioSport Club Member
  Cup 172
One of them went out tonight so replaced it. Fiddly job but all went together easily. Issue is it won't clip back into the holder inside the light. One of the clips goes on but the other doesn't during the small turn to clip it in.

Any ideas how to rectify this? The clips don't look misshaped and I was very careful throughout
  Clio 182
If it's the twisty bulb holders make sure the lug on the bulb is the right way round, even if it's not pushed in fully by half a mm it won't go back in, once your certain it's in right position then align the lugs on the holder just before the screws the keep on pushing in as you twist. Used to fit loads of these in my last job (guess where ;)), clios are nothing on a megane tho- but if it's in holder correct both are 5min jobs
