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Heat Reflecting Windscreen and Tom Tom Go


I am thinking about buying a new 182. I see it has a heat reflecting windscreen. I have a TomTom Go and they are a bit funny about heat reflecting windscreens. Has anybody got a TTG that they use and can let me know if it struggles for a signal?


Would imagine it does unless you get an external antenna, which sorta defeats the point in having a tomtom go.

if it was me id get an ipaq package wiht a bluetooth reciever and have it stuck in the back window or sommet

ttg does not work under the windscreen, it sometimes works if you attach it to the drivers side window but that is far from ideal, like it says above get a pda and a bluetooth reciever, i have one and its really good

For 100% signal strength you will require an external antenna!

It will work attached to the drivers side window as mentioned above but it does tend to loose a lock on satellites easily :(

PDA setups are ok if you have other uses for it - I dont.
  Mondeo STTDCI

Heat reflective windscreen poxes everything up. Even my Dart Tag godammit.

Not sure about the new 182 but my Mk1 172 has a rectangle about 3" x 4" at the very bottom of the screen in the middle for GPS devices. Its a completely clear bit.

Most pillars will think its a rain sensor - its not!!! My mates Tom Tom works in mine. Road Angels are a bit crap though cause they are so far away from your view.
  Mercedes SLK350

Ive got a TomTom Go, Ive also got a 182. You deffo need the TomTom Go external aerial. I have velcroed the receiver to the rectangle at bottom of windscreen. Works a treat.
  fat 182

the rectangle is for the french toll roads you put a little box on there and you get a bill for using the toll roads istead of paying at the boxs on the moterways

a bit of sad geeky info for you all
  Scruffy blue 182

Ive got an iPaq one, with external antenna under the clear rectangle in the windscreen. Works fine now, but without the ext antenna it just wouldnt work at all.
  Ford Fiesta

with my road angel 2 I mounted the "external antenna" to the right of the parcel shelf on the drivers side.

i have a pda setup and have the antenna fitted to the right hand side rear window,works fine there;)
