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Hello Everybody.

Hello, I've not been here for a very long time and thought I'd say hi. I'm glad that Cliosport is still active, i've just paid my membership after 18years! I've owned a variety of Clios over the years including 4 182s, a wide arch Prima RSi, a Storm Trooper 197 and a Trophy.

After a long exodus I've went back to basics and bought my 8th Clio, a 2004 1.2 8v Authentique. I know its as basic as they come, but I just need something cheap to run about. I was attracted by the full history and its only done 20k miles. It feels like a brand new car and I love driving it, even though its slow as s**t.

I got it 3 weeks ago and it's had a major service, timing belt, water pump, aux belt and pulleys at Rentec in Edinburgh. I've got new carpet mats, silver indicators and led sidelights so far. I'm now not sure how far to go? I've considered going full Trophy Replica but I think wheels, suspension and colour coding would be the more sensible route.

What should I do next?

Doee anyone know where you can use the 10% discount off Speedline wheels in the Members Discount section?


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ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
The non sports are brilliant cars, I personally think steelies with oe hub caps are the way forward personally, they suit the type of car it is, there’s something special about a non fussy car. Nothing beats my old Renault 5 non turbo god I miss that thing
