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Hello everyone, here she is picked up last week.

  clio 172
Hello, just thought id post my first pic of my 172, picked it up last week for a bargin of £950!!
first on the list is to get a cage sorted and away we go

i joined cliosport last month and must say its been very helpfull already so thanks to all.
anyway i will keep you posted on my developments and see you on a track somewhere soon.

clio 172.jpg
  clio 172
no probs so far!! was only really buying it for the shell, was a offer i made on ebay after it didnt make reserve. When i went to pick it up didnt really know what to expect! then it was a very welcome suprise to find this little beauty sitting there with 77000 miles full service and not a mark on it!!! and hpi was ok cos i couldnt belive it myself! even check out the number!!

as you can imagine im a happy bunny so far, just got to save the pennys now for the winter project.
  RB 182
Looks nice, nice colour and the fugly phase 1's are really starting to grow on me now! Sounds like a bargain!
