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Hello Everyone!

Hi, I have just discovered your site and club! I am 16 at the moment but am 17 in september. I already have a car it is a Clio 1.2 RN, I am thinking about joining the club but just wanted to ask something first, will I be at a disadvantage because of my car not being one of the listed models? By disadvantage I mean not being able to take part in certain events etc.

Hope to talk to you all soon and see you in the flesh.


ClioSport Club Member
  BMW I4 M50

Any clios are welcome to the club, wether it be a 1.2 of a V6, if the badge says clio.. your welcome :D (helllllllooooo btw)

Nope not a problem. You may find that Renault Sport ie offical Renault track days are of limits but thats a Renault thing.

No one even been treaded badly I dont think on.

Welcome BTW

i havent even got my frickin car yet lol, and i failed my first test today lol, need to save up then book test 2moro and become member next week

welcome to the house of fun! as for 1.2s,i know two people who have clio 1.2 cars,bayliss 1.2 mk1 and ravo 1.2 prima?. both come to meetings on a regular basis,altho ravo has to get a lift with silverrsc as he hasnt passed his test yet! as 4 bayliss and his 1.2,hes a f1ckin nutter, he never lifts off the throttle, and can keep up with more powerfull cars! its ukravo,just remembered!
  172 M69 eater

welcome mate

i have a 1.2 and been a member year and a half!

got any pics of your car at the mo?


Not right now, ill get some as soon as possible, although I havent done anything to it yet, just got it :p

Is there any chance I might be able to get a name change to MattyK

Well, I just got my money sent through Paypal, hopefully they get my message and put Matt Knifton on the card instead of my mums name :p

Welcome mate ! All cars are welcome, we even have a Skoda owner in the club ! LOL !

;) @ Ivan !

It must be hell not being able to drive the car you already own !

Yeah it is Diapac, I got it because it was my sisters old car. The good thing is that I can spend all my money on modding it instead of petrol :p

Just wondering, how do I get my Member number and forum title? Do I need to wait for everything to come through the post?
