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Hello from London

  Clio 197 RB

my names warren and I currently own a RenaultSport Megane R26 in Liquid Yellow, and I'm a member on, unfortunately the megane has to go as I'm moving into my new flat next month!!

When the megane goes I want to replace it with a Clio 182 in either Racing Blue or Liquid Yellow, or even possibly find someone on here who wants to upgrade to a megane!!!

I live in west London by heathrow, are there many clios over this way, font see many around!!

hopefully have a Clio in time for trax in September!!

  Suzuki Ignis Sport
Welcome to Cliosport..

I'm not far from you, im in Hammersmith/Chiswork border! But don't drive a Clio no more.
  Clio 197 RB
Hazza, I work in chiswick so you may see the yellow beast around!!
Mike, another country? Probably put too much info to start with lol!!

Just want the meg gone so I can enjoy the Clio 182 experiance!
Good alot of info I need and JMS are in my town! Lol. Such a small place I didn't realise it catered for soo many of you guys!!!

Are there many meets locally and do many of you go to the French night at Ace Cafe!??
