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  Megane Coupe
Hello All,

My name is Dan and i'm from Clevedon which is just south of Bristol. I've been on clio sport a few weeks now but havnt posted yet. I thought i would introduce myself. I'm 23 and work in bristol as a design technician. Alot of my work at the moment is in Essex so i'm over that way a fair bit for work..

I currently drive a Megane Coupe which i have had just over 3 years, i have spent some time modding up to a standard i am happy with and have attended a few shows.

My first car was a Clio Rsi which i loved, i didnt mod this car at all.

Here's a few pics of my cars,






and during winter,


Thanks Dan
  Fiesta ST-3
Welcome to the club Dan. I like the Megane, used to have one myself. Paint work looks mint. What do you use to get the shine out?
  Megane 225 F1
Welcome buddy. Another Bristol member. You all keep popping up lately :D
Get your name on the mailing list in the South West Section of the forum and join up the Regions group. Hopefully see you at some meets.

Car looks ace by the way. There's one round my way that looks like a sack of s**t, but you have done a good job on that one. *White wheels are a c**t to clean aren't they ;) *
  Megane Coupe
Welcome to the club Dan. I like the Megane, used to have one myself. Paint work looks mint. What do you use to get the shine out?

Thanks scott, i think i remember your car was a real minter. I usually use auto-glym products but that particular time i used Meguiars Carnauba wax.

Welcome buddy. Another Bristol member. You all keep popping up lately :D
Get your name on the mailing list in the South West Section of the forum and join up the Regions group. Hopefully see you at some meets.

Car looks ace by the way. There's one round my way that looks like a sack of s**t, but you have done a good job on that one. *White wheels are a c**t to clean aren't they ;) *

Thanks will i will have a look through the forum and get myself signed up.

Thanks for the comments, i'm happy with how the car looks now. Yes the white wheels are hard to keep clean i used to clean them every 3-4 days. I will be switching back to the black 15's this weekend as winter is on its way.
  Megane 225 F1
Wait til you see Danny_172's lol.

Thanks will i will have a look through the forum and get myself signed up.

Thanks for the comments, i'm happy with how the car looks now. Yes the white wheels are hard to keep clean i used to clean them every 3-4 days. I will be switching back to the black 15's this weekend as winter is on its way.

I used to have white turini's. I got so fed up of cleaning them. Never again TBH.
  Megane Coupe
Yeh i can guess that Turini's are a right pain. The valver alloys are ok actually as they are nice and chunky. i'm looking forward to getting the black ones back on though. Got brand new T1r's on too.
  Fiesta ST-3
Get on the detailing sub forum if your into cleaning your cars mate. Some great advice on there.
  Megane Coupe
Thanks scotty i will get looking. I do love detailing my car but at the moment i dont have as much time for is as i would like.
