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Help a special person mount a TV to the wall thread

Hi chaps

Looking at buying this 43 inch TV as I still haven't got round to getting one. It ticks my boxes and is silly cheap.

I've not mounted one to the wall before, it says it's a VESA 200 x 200 fitment

Upon looking on amazon etc there are literally effing thousands of mounts to buy.

Those of you with wall mounts, is there anything I need to look out for?

I'm not fussed about being able to turn it left or right. I suppose some tilt down might be beneficial. So long as it's solid!

The prices range from like £15 to £150, I just feel like I'm being a cretin of the highest order and have no idea what I'm looking at. /Woman.

This one is £9.99 FFS? Is it monkey metal or something?

Cheers lads

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
I paid £20 for mine from amazon, works perfectly. A plate on the wall, a plate with hooks on the TV and then it just hooks on.
  2014 Clio 200t edc
I paid £6 for my bracket from amazon. It’s a plate that screws to the wall and then hooks fit to the tv. Holds my 55” led solidly to the wall.
For fitting to the wall it’s mounted on plastic plasterboard screwplugs. Had my last tv fitted like that for 5 years and never an issue.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I swear by this one:

I've got two of them here, I even had another mount already but replaced it with one of these as you get a lot included in the kit, by far the best I have seen in terms of included washers, spacers, bolts etc. Its a slim one so keeps the TV nice and close to the wall, just be aware of that as it may not suit your needs, but personally I like the TV as close to the wall as possible.
Not sure if it's for a reason, but you can grab the 49" version for £30 more. Been looking at one for my new house.

Code: SAVE50 for £50 off

Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at 21.30.47.png


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Always worth a try getting john lewis to price match. They offer a much better free warranty.
Always worth a try getting john lewis to price match. They offer a much better free warranty.
They won't price match with a discount code, people have already tried for this deal according to what I've read elsewhere.
Thanks chaps!!! :)

I'm actually getting it even cheaper as the missus's mother works in hr for some electrical company, works out to £276. Can't grumble at that really.

And matt123, I can't fit a 49 inch on my wall (it's a chimney stick out bit...) haha otherwise I would.

Cheers boys
