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Help! freeview box


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
ive got a pace freeview box had it for ages.

if i go straight to the tv then i get channels 1-5 no problem. as soon as i plug my pace box in i cant get channel 3 or 4 and i cant work out y.

ive tried different cables and its not the cables. ive check connections and its not that.

oh and ive tried two different pace boxes, but still the same

anyone know???????
  Clio 172 CUP
my brother had this problem, turned out freeview isn't available in his area! take it back and get Sky Digital!


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Cupkid said:
my brother had this problem, turned out freeview isn't available in his area! take it back and get Sky Digital!


it does work in my area, my dad has an ariel in the loft next to mine and get all the channels


Weird, that normally helps them as i work with them everyday, you tried it in another part of your house?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Louise_Clio said:
Weird, that normally helps them as i work with them everyday, you tried it in another part of your house?

theres three arieals in the loft all next to each other.

my bros works fine and so does my parents, just mine dont get 3 or 4

