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Help!!! Help!!! Help!!!

  Clio 197

I had Outlook working perfectly... All my mail used to come-into a .pst folder on my F drive (but outlook's obviously installed on drive C).

I keep a clone of my C drive in case things go wrong - so all I do is erase drive C, and re-copy Windows back onto it (drivers/software already pre-installed).

I had to wipe C the other day... so I copied all the files/folders back onto it.

Even since then, whenever I check my mail - you can see that Outlook is sending/receiving mail: good.

Sent mail is still stored on my .pst folder on drive F


All received mail is going into a black hole!!! I can see it being downloaded... but fcuk knows where it's all going??? :S :S :S

Any ideas? I've lost about 10 important emails today (because they've been removed off the server), and I have no idea where Outlook has put them!


Oms. :(
  Clio 197
Thanks Raf...

Yeah, I just did that with no success - nothing new comes-up.

Guess I'm totally bolloxed! :(

I've sent numerout test email to myself - all of which go in the sent items, but they don't arrive to my inbox? God knows where they're going. :S
  Mondeo ST TDci
got any spam filters ? i know my spam filter keeps everything away from outlook, i have to click on an icon to launce mcafee to see the spam.
if not have a look for sub Dirs wihin your inbox.

If you got a newer outlook you may find it has Archived the inbox instantly to your drive you inported / archived from before.
disable the auto archive feature adn send another message to yourself ;)

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Are your Store Folder locations still set to F: drive? Does F: drive still exist/connected to?

If you've reformatted/reinstalled Windows, you will have to tell OE that the storage location is no longer the default anymore. I think it's Tools --> Advanced --> Store Folder which is the path. I can't fully remember as I use Outlook 2003 at work....

  Clio 197

I'm using Outlook 2003 too!

I'm sure I've done that... but can you tell me where it is so I can double-check?


Oms :)

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Ah, you're using O2003, not Outlook Express then? It all depends when your system admin has set the default location of your .pst backup files to be located. Most have a copy set to the C: drive, with a default filename of outlook.pst.

However, if you're not the first person to logon to your PC (i.e. the previous person has left/got a new PC, etc) then your .pst file could have been set to outlook2.pst or something similar. Yet Outlook is primarily used with Exchange Server, so whatever is happening, you should have the correct .pst file located on the server.

If it was me, I would get admin to delete my profile settings (not the full blown profile!) off the domain controller and remove my local settings off the C: drive of the PC you're using. When you log back on, it should be ok.

Also, Outlook notoriously needs high-level access to the C: drive (principally for the .pst file). If you have a restricted access to your C: drive, that may cause a few issues when you log back on.

