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Help - i’ve been immobilised!!

Right: For the last 3 days my car has been beeping when turning on the ignition! Then this morning no beeps - great!

Well not really I drove the car to town but when I got back in it - the remote central locking worked OK but the alarm went off and the immobiliser set!! The alarm sounds like its out of battery - sort of going flat - no electrics work at all. I have switched the thing off with the key but cant get any power at all!!


If its the standard cobra factory fitted one like mine... then Id try a new battery in your key fobb.

Do you lock your car using the Key or the fobb by the way?

Use the Fob but I have replaced the battery but cant get anylife out of the car - all that happeneds when I turn the key is the alarm gets slower and slower - nothing in the car will work!

with toad alarms you can override the alarm/immobiliser with a sequence of turning the ignition on and off. you will have been told the sequence when u got the alarm fitted. is it a factory fitted alarm?

Cheers guys - the only thing is the beeping ive been hearing for the last few days could apparantly be the buzzer for the alarm running off its on battery - if so that means the power supply has been cut somewhere!
  Clio II 1.4 Priveleg

Sounds to me that you have a flat battery. The alarm DOES not cut the power to the car. So, if nothing works, then its a flat battery.

Hope that helps.

