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HELP ME - Should I buy a PS3

  E39 530i
Well, Nearly got one yesterday but they wanted £495 with two pads and one game?! :S :eek:

In two minds about this. People that have one please help me.
  E39 530i
Yeah they saw me coming innit?! I've seen that £499 deal on as well, ALOT of money though. £350 from where?!
  E39 530i
Get one off eBay mate, got mine for a nice price on there. Just make sure it's UK spec.

Isn't UK spec rubbish though?! and how much did you get yours for if you dont mind me asking? And what did you get with it. 1 or 2 pads etc etc.....
  SLK 350
UK spec is fine, getting an import will result in loss of warranty (something Sony seem very anal on, seeing as they completely fked over Lik-Sang for it).

There was a sh1t-storm that blew up on news that Sony has removed the hardware side of the PS2 innards in favour of software emulation, however the PS3 is MORE than powerful enough to emulate ANY PS2 game, and in actual fact, software emulation is more advantageous given it can be tinkered with via firmware upgrades, and improved/further developed.

I paid £360. brand new, 2 games, 1 BD Movie. Love it :)
  Citroen DS3 DSport
He has a good reputation on AVF and most trades on there with known members are perfectly safe.
Mine arrived today... 359.99 inc Resistance Fall of Man.... Roll on 5pm when i can log off (working from home today especially for this) and get it plugged up..yahoooo!
  Citroen DS3 DSport
If you can get a UK model for £350 then I'd buy that but if you are not concerned about warranty then no harm in buying the HK version.
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