hi all..
I dont know if you can help me on this one but im really rather frustrated at the mo
I have had my mk1 172 titanium for nearly 2 years and its just gone in for its 12000 mile service..
I noticed just b4 it went in today that all over the paint has rust spots in it... i did hear of this problem mentioned b4... what can i do as its obviously the paint its self thats rusting..some sort of defect!!
renault london acknowldge that this is a problem on silver cars!! (most 172s are silver!!) but say its not really covered under warranty..!!
I really dont know what to do as the car is a 2001 model and really shouldnt be rusting.. i have had the run around from renault and am getting rather angry now... especially after nearly 2 happy yrs.. it really isnt on as im sure youll agree..
Renault have been absolutely useless through all this.. can anyone provide me with a case study or proof that this has happened b4?
Hope you can help
please mail: