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Help needed to purchase new desktop computer, Pleaaaase

My trusty computer is now 10 years old and has been a loyal and reliable beasty. With XP support ending and it now generally not being able to cope with what I throw at it, the time has come to part with some money to update.

I didn't realise what a minefield it is hence me asking for help.

What I need it to cope with:

Design work, Photoshop, Illustrator and Coreldraw mainly, I need it to cope with sometimes up to 8 pages open simultaneously.

SSD so I don't have to wait for it to boot up.

27" screen as I am currently working with 23", the size would benefit what I do.

I really don't want to build one, Ideally out of the box would be better for me. Not bothered about Apple TBH, think I would be better off with windows.

Budget wise, Im open to anything really (as long as it's not ridiculous and my wife twisting my b#lls).

Thanks in advance


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
I'm not particularly hot on PCs but there are some very good value PCs on ebay which are relatively custom built to your needs. You can choose the monitor, OS, ram, HDD etc.

If you hibernate you also won't have to wait for it to boot up. Large solid state is pretty expensive still. Big RAM and good processor would be what I'd look for, followed by graphics card with it's own powerful GPU.

Stuff like this

Personally wouldn't go Mac as you've said. My girlfriend does a lot of work on Adobe suites and the macbook pro just has a nervous breakdown when anything is rendered.


ClioSport Club Member
Considered 700 quid laptop and 100 quid 27" monitor? If you really don't need a lappy or already have one then fair enough, but otherwise it might be worth consideration.

I bought a desktop a few years ago, then spent ages wishing I'd got a laptop, and just recently ended up buying a laptop, making the desktop somewhat redundant.


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
£800 will get you so solid PC-ware.

Oh and for 1 nights work - I would build it seriously. If you don't want to build it - have a snoop on chillblast. The other halfs has been fantastic.

But personally... i5 4670k + 16GB Ram + 2x SSDs in Raid0 + £200 GFX and you're laughing. I think my i7 unit was £950 odd.
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ClioSport Club Member
Don't whatever you do, buy a laptop, hateful things.
^ Agreed... I'd go with a desktop for the work you will be doing. It's worth investing in a decent GPU as the likes of Photoshop will happily make use of that additional horsepower available. A nice 27" IPS panel would also be good, although a little on the pricey side.
