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Freshly repainted for no reason in particular

Hi all, just sharing for eye candy purposes. I reckon Charlie Brooker got his idea for Black Mirror from a freshly painted Black Gold 182.
I've had the front repainted (stone chips) and the rest machine polished and it is SO shiny it's hard to capture in photos. The white dots on the bonnet is the reflection of a seagull, not turds thankfuly.

The project list (in no particular order):

Get it detailed (lastly).
Fresh plates.
Engine block paint? Was thinking of continuing the black gold theme, get the block painted black with temp resistant paint, get some other bits done in the same gold colour. I've had the 'Renaultsport' on the back in gold, kept the other words factory. Suggestions very welcome. I don't have that horrible silver plastic engine cover on it.
Gear gaiter to be redone by Snappy (he's already done the steering wheel, such GOOD work) in black with gold stitching.
Gear knob is now smoothed down to nothing so replace that, gold detailing on the numbers etc. Advice how to replace a gear knob given the spring loaded reverse thing is welcome, I expect it's more hassle than it's worth but what isn't.
Air vents are a little broken so replace a few. Where would I source these? I don't need a whole new dash.
The area surrounding the air con has rubbed away, what was black is now chipped white so get that sorted., and advice welcome (paint?)
Driver seat has a 1cm opening where the stitching has given up, fix that.
Headlights are getting SPFd next week.
Plastic surrounding the wing mirror and underneath the windscreen wipers is getting blacked to match and not look old and grey.
New wipers (not that it needs them currently given the windscreen has been treated).
Gold seatbelts with new mechanisms.
The wheel is still silver (Renault and the sport bit at the base) so get those golded.
New speakers? Have a reasonable head unit already and has a subwoofer in my first 182 12 years ago.
New indicator housing on the sides, freshen up (bit yellowy up close).

Mechanically everything works (at the moment) but I would like advice on injectors as it's smelling verrrrrry rich when out and about. Smells like a classic Mini almost, which isn't a problem for me! Probably throw some wheel sensors at me too please.

If anyone has any other suggestions for me to help the convalescence of this beauty, feel free to comment!


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ClioSport Club Member
Going all out with the gold in black gold, definitely something different.

In regards to the vents, is it the centre ones that are broken, or the ones at the sides? The side ones are easy enough, I had to fix one of mine. The side ones are separate parts to the dash top, but come out together, you can unclip them from the dash top and replace with any mk2 Clio vents. I bought an unbroken one on eBay, swapped the broken vent slats over (not necessary, but the outer bit of my existing vent was a bit cleaner, so wanted to keep it) clipped it all back together and put the dash top back on. I think I put some decent photos of the process in my project thread.

I've also had the gear knob and gaiter done by snappy at the same time as my steering wheel, definitely worth having nice leather, really makes the interior IMO. Personally I bought a whole spare gear stick with the surround and sent that off, then had it swapped over.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
I like Black wheels on these cars, makes them look mean. Best colour when it's clean IMHO.
Until you mentioned the gold detailing, I never noticed tbh.
Going all out with the gold in black gold, definitely something different.

In regards to the vents, is it the centre ones that are broken, or the ones at the sides? The side ones are easy enough, I had to fix one of mine. The side ones are separate parts to the dash top, but come out together, you can unclip them from the dash top and replace with any mk2 Clio vents. I bought an unbroken one on eBay, swapped the broken vent slats over (not necessary, but the outer bit of my existing vent was a bit cleaner, so wanted to keep it) clipped it all back together and put the dash top back on. I think I put some decent photos of the process in my project thread.

I've also had the gear knob and gaiter done by snappy at the same time as my steering wheel, definitely worth having nice leather, really makes the interior IMO. Personally I bought a whole spare gear stick with the surround and sent that off, then had it swapped over.

Nice mate, thanks for this. It's the central vents sadly. Snappy said something similar about the gear knob, I expect he was referring to what you did as the best/easiest option.
I like Black wheels on these cars, makes them look mean. Best colour when it's clean IMHO.
Until you mentioned the gold detailing, I never noticed tbh.

Thanks, I agree! Esp with spacers, it looks a lot more hunkered down with the black wheels somehow. Spacers help obv but the colour does on top. Mystical.
