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help please - needed for school project

right then, going to build two sub box/built install for my clio as a2 dt project

i need to no if there is an equation to work out the correct box size?? if there is, what is it??

i need this equation to prove that the size i chose i correct

jl audio website

so if it didnt say the recommened enclosure size on this box, how would one work it out from the information aabove??

thanks alot for your help
is there an equation though??

or is it on the website??

i need an equationr eally if there is one so i can put it in the paperwork

thanks again
  172 cup'd extreme
have a look on the website there is also a program various equations , you wont learn anything if its given to you on a plate
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
There is a professional box designer on TalkAudio. His username is EF_MAX I think.

If you PM him I'm sure he would be able to help you get started.
  172 Cup, Clio 197
There will be different size requirements for different subs. Your best bet would be to email the manufaturer of the subs and ask them
im not after the actual size, im after an equation - the equation has got to be the same whatever, to be able to work out the enclosure size

i need to find out, using information such as QTS, vas, xmas etc, to work out a enclosure size for the sub

the sub is going to be jl audio either 12w3v3 or 12w3v2

i kinda need to know how manufactures are able to stat what the recommened enclosure size is - that is the kinda stuff neede for paperwork in the project
  Polo + Micra
ahh i don't think it is possible to have a formula to work out box size using the TS

bass box pro can work out how a box will react with a certain sub and power but iirc you need to enter the size
  2004 Clio 182
Im now doing "Industrial Design and Technology" at uni and i can tell you if you want a good mark in your A2 work dont do a speaker box. You need to be thinkning of things that are new, exciting and involve some creative design not just someting that you fancy making for yourself. People do speaker boxes every year.

Im sure this is not what you want to hear but seeing as its the end of the school year now im guessing your thinking ahead to making this next year which would mean you have the whole of the summer to think of a better idea.

If you really have your heart set on a speaker box then you need to make it more interesting.
Whats wrong with the design of currect speaker boxes?
Can you improve on the sound quality?
can you make the design smaller with no loss in sound quality?
Can you make it easier to install?
Can you design a quick fit method so it can be easily dropped into any car?
have you thought of a way of using new materials so its just as good but half the production costs?
im not going to just design a simple box, i am going into detail & try & come up with ways to increase efficiency, sound quality & all that, i just need to know how to work the box size out so i can make a recommened & then my own so i can compare.

i like the way jl audio have designed 'out of the box' design such as the ones below - people have heard of bandpass but i think jl audio have taken them to the next level


cheers though

ps i have email ex max or woteva but no reply - if you know him, would you also be able to send him an email/pm to get hold of him for me please,:D
