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HELP REQD !!! tesco sim in an 02 phone ??


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
If I buy a desire S / i Phone 4 on 02 payg and want to buy a tesco sim only sim will I need to get it unlocked from 02. I know that tesco use 02 network so it should work, but have also heard that it will still not work and needs unlocking:S is this correct or will it just work without the unlock ?? anyone done it ???


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
bought my mum a sony ericson from carphone warehouse on o2 pay&go popped her old tesco sim in and was fine, also bought a HTC smart(for mother again) from the o2 shop and a tesco sim works in that
  Mk3 clio 1.5
tesco mobile basically uses o2 network but they provide the prices. I work for o2 atm, you may find that o2 rarely lock phones if not atall. call them up and ask for your phone to be unlatched if this is the case, will take 3 working days to recieve the code, make sure your o2 sim is in the phone for the duriation
