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Help VIRUS !!!


  LY 200
Some f*cker has just sent me a virus and its my works laptop :(

Please can anyone tell me what I need to do to get rid of it :eek:


  LY 200
Where do I look to see if I have one of them ??

Sorry I am dumb when it comes to computers


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Oh lord, if you don't even know if you've got one of those, you probably have loads of other viruses.
  RS MEG, 182
I was on MSN before, this messege came up, opened it and it sent the link to everyone using MSN on my user list, unlucky your on that list Maz.
  SLK 350
If it's a works laptop it will have a Virus scanner Marie, if it doesn't then it's their problem for rolling it out without correct software set.

Goto start->all programs and look for any of the following:

Trend Micro

If you see any of those, obviously there will be provision for running a scan. Failing that use one of these online scanners:

Hope thats helpful. Whats this virus you think you have? What symptoms? How are you aware of it?


  LY 200
^^ I havn't blocked or deleted anyone Gary I have lost all my contact from my address book :S

I was on MSN before, this messege came up, opened it and it sent the link to everyone using MSN on my user list, unlucky your on that list Maz.

Thought it was you .. cheers Rob :dapprove: lol serves me right for trying to open it :eek: should have realised when it said ms dos but it was too late

YES I AM THICK :rolleyes:
  RS MEG, 182
Yer sorry Maz, my girlfriend was on the computer. She'll open anything sent to her. My PC is now knackered, having to run mcafee


  LY 200
Must be a female thing .. lol

Don't worry think I have nearly sorted it .. sorry if I sent it to anyone else

BLAME ROB :rasp:
  MK1 Clio 16v
virus are hard to get rid off.

only way to do is format the pc

Yeah they're hard to get rid of but hardly any of them are impossible to get rid of!

I've had the same OS on my PC for around 3 years now (XP Pro) and i've had my fair share of viruses, mainly from downloading 'Keygens' from fileshare applications and running the Executable, only to find it's actually malicious. Using the right tools you can track down where the virus is and what it's doing and put a stop to it..

Formatting a PC should be the last resort (unless you don't care about what's on your PC..)
  Clio 197
don't think it can

When I has virus and I couldn't bloody remove I format my pc for good!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
not alway, if it a bad one and I will format but I don't care lol

I'll back you on that. Reformatting often - for whatever reason, is always a good thing to do. Work environments are different, but the longest time I've ever left my home PC without a reformat is 6 months. It takes 45mins to get the O/S up and running and then a further 90mins or so to reinstall stuff - depending on what I want.

Windows O/Ss are turd at disk management - even worse with the temporary folders. And then there's the failed installs, failed uninstalls, the CTD errors that have accumulated over time - all this crap just builds and builds.

Why arse about trying to clear and patch things up when starting afresh is usually quicker and far more beneficial at the end of it?

  A4 Avant
I've had a to sort a few viruses on familys computers. They had several entries into the registry and each time I deleted them and restarted, the virus would still be there but with a slightly tweaked file name each time. I never fully stopped the random pop ups either. So I think in some cases a full reformat can be the best option! Especially when it's someone elses computer who may have multiple virus's.
