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Help with GFX card

  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Basically, I used to have Vista but from last night my PC finally gave up on it and it would not boot. So I thought, f**k it, im going back to xp.

I installed xp and its all good but it was abit laggy. Had a look at the video drivers and none were installed so I thought this was the problem. I have a 5600GT.

Right, I've downloaded the latest Nvidia driver and installed it and its basically fucked my pc up. The mouse point has funny black lines on it and when I click on something that will change the screen the screen goes black. It basically refreshes itself and then the item shows. For example, If I double click My Computer nothing will happen, then the screen will go black, then come back on with the My Computer screen tab open.

Any ideas???

Ive re-installed xp again. All works fine but as soon as I installed the Nvidia drivers, old or new, the same problem happens. Just can't get around it. I havent tried putting vista back on it but I really don't want vista again
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Its the latest Nvidia one. I've tried installing older drivers as well but still does the same
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Its not a 5600GT its a 7600GS sorry. I've tried googling everything but can't get anyone with the same problem
  Not a Clio
You've got an Nvidia Geforce 7600GS but what's it branded as? e.g. PNY, XFX, Inno3D, MSI etc. Have you got a manual or something for it, it'll say on that. Sometimes it'll say on the card.
