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help, wont start

  Titanium 182

right, my 16v never gets driven, at the time being but i startit regular

i got lots of mechanical work done on the cars a few weeks back, all was fine ran real sweet

then the battry went dead, new battry, so i charged it back up, re fits it then goes to start the car, it starts but goes straigh off again

keeps doing the same, i cant get it 2 run, i dont want to flood the engine but what us the problem how has this occured from must recharging a battry

When my battery went MEGA low.. when it all got connected up again, it idled at 3000 - 4000 RPM..

Took the negative side of the battery off... waited 5 seconds, put it back on - perfect.

Something to try! Mine aint a Valver, tho..
  Titanium 182

done it and it didnt work battry is fine but its still going staright off as soon as it starts up

any one ?
  Titanium 182

right, iv got the haynes on engine sec

and with my probs its telling me to go to chapter1 5b and 5c

thing is these secs dont exist

chapter1b 5 does, but and c no where but there not the pages im after if us get me :(

In the back of the Haynes it tells you some problems and what causes them.. have a look in there? Then you can find the section in the Haynes where it tells you have to replace bits etc..

Haynes is outside.. big.. trek.. to.. get.. it for me.. hehe.

M8 - if it appears to fire up and stops check the basics...

Unlikely to be sparking / battery if it kicks over...

Id start with Fuel or breathing probs...

p.s. I know nuuuuthing - better speak to BenR - but it sounded good...
  Titanium 182


the bastid k&n has 2 breathers thing is there very hard to get on so hard that i cant get them on with out pushing to pipes on the kn back inside the kn as soon as these fall off it wont start or if air gets in, as soon as i reconect them it starts, need to sum how fix them

but yeh breathing probs
