Bought two sets of these about a year ago now and have been very impressed with them, a much improved sound over what was fitted in the car when I bought it.
Now unfortunately over the last week or so the rear passenger speaker has developed an annoying rattle. I've had the speaker out and checked everything is tight etc but it seems to be rattling from withing the plactic casing of the tweeter so there's nothing I can do about it! :dapprove:
So, I need one Hertz DCX130 and everywhere sells them in a set of two (obviously), options?
Can anyone on here source me just the one?
Now unfortunately over the last week or so the rear passenger speaker has developed an annoying rattle. I've had the speaker out and checked everything is tight etc but it seems to be rattling from withing the plactic casing of the tweeter so there's nothing I can do about it! :dapprove:
So, I need one Hertz DCX130 and everywhere sells them in a set of two (obviously), options?
Can anyone on here source me just the one?