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hey people, ANY CLIO MEETS IN KENT!!!!!

  Milltek'd clio 182
Hello world, my names chris, i have just recently upgraded from a clio 1.4l to a clio 182, and it was the best change i have made lol being that my insurance was £1600 this year it has been worth evey penny so far. Now i am wanting to get paid so i can make a start on detailing my clio to how i want it. But i would like to get some good ideas first before i go straight into it. so i was wondering if there are any clio meets in KENT. Let us know people.


ClioSport Moderator
Where about in Kent are you from mate? I'm going to set something up for either this weekend coming or the one after, somewhere on the border or south London/north Kent.

Oh and welcome to the club, if you want full use of the forum, feel free to become a full paying member which allows you access to all sorts of guides and you get a lovely little welcome pack too.
  Milltek'd clio 182
sidcup i live near theere, im up green street green , chelsfield way. so how long you owned your clio for, i like the x reg shapes, but couldnt find a low mileage one.
