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Hi all fellow Clio owners

  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
Hi all,

My name is Jonny B and live in North Yorkshire and I have just bought my first Clio......... Went for the 182 and loving it. I used to have a 53 plate Subaru and was worried I wouldn't enjoy a Clio but boy I was wrong. Whilst not as fast the Clio is actually more fun to drive.

There you go intro over. I have always modified my cars power whilst leavingthe exterior standard so will be hopefully able to learn some things from you guys and gals :)
  172 phase 1
hello and welcome to the club,

tuning is expensive, most people go for braking and handling mods,

get some pics up :)
  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
Hi Turbo Tom ans thank you for the welcome :)

the plan is just to up the power to the 200bhp mark and replace the POOR brakes (what is it with French cars and crap brakes). to do this i am looking at matched inlets, sports cat, K-tech pannel filter and customer remap. the car already has a magnex exhaust so my theory is up the airflow in, speed out and smooth the power with the map.

do you think this will get me to 200BHP realistically?? i also dont know much about the best way to upgrade the brakes, is there any point in putting uprated disks and pads (i have heard that the carbon Brembo ones are supposed to be good) or am i better putting the cash into 4 pots??

  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
Pads and discs will be fine, no need for 4 pots.

You wont get 200bhp unfortunatly with those mods!
  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
not even 18bhp :( without turbo/throttle bodies/super charger :( i know it is hard/expensive for power ganes on NA but didnt realise that bad, well i will do the mods and se where i get to anyway :) any more is always better :)
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
The 182 is a mesurement in PS, which is actully about 179BHP. Also, Renaukt very very rarely make book power so its nore likly on a good day you'll have 173BHP.

27BHP from Pannel Filter, Inlets (Best Value for Money Mod IMO), Exhaust and Map is very unlikely.

However, these are fantastic car, supurb handeling and the engine charatieristis are great, awesome little cars. But you will spend alot of mony chasing that 200bhp.
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
Didn't mean to put you off the engine! The inlets is a good call, if there not RS stamped you should be guarenteeed some gains from matching them.

If youve already got a Magnex, with a De-Cat (or Sports-Cat by thats the expensive route), free flowing Filter, Inlets and a RS Tuner or live Map you should see 183 - 187BHP, which isn't bad!

My 182 had an ITG Filter, BTB Cat back Exhaust and a Superchip and made 184BHP, always wondered if it had had the Inlets done at some point though.
  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
Hi Saner, what is the RS stamp you referr to and where would I find it? I take it if this is an RS it is a better quality more free flowing?
  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
A quick question about brakes :) looking at rear discs and you can get with or without barings if my car has only done 38k do I need to bother with the baring? Will it make it easier or harder to change the disc? I guess uf I replace the baring I will need to remove the hub nut which can be a pain from experience with other makes of cars.
The bearings are pressed into the disc. So unless you have the means to press a bearing into a disc without damaging either, the vast majority of people just go for the disc inc. bearings already pressed in. To take this idea further, due to the lack of brake bias and therefore heat going into the rears, most people have the opinion that the OEM rear discs are absolutely fine for fast road/track use.
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
Hi Saner, what is the RS stamp you referr to and where would I find it? I take it if this is an RS it is a better quality more free flowing?

  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
Cheers for uploading the pics much appreciated, i take it that you can see the RS without taking anything bar the injector rail guard off or do I need to remove it all? If so I didn't see an RS stamp when I changed the oil. If I dont have an RS stamp is it worth getting the matched inlet manifold :)
  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
most people have the opinion that the OEM rear discs are absolutely fine for fast road/track use.
if this is the case and the rear discs aren't that worn should I just add Brembo high carbon front discs and better pads all round or in your view is it worth upgrading the rear discs as Brembo, etc rears are cheaper than stock?
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
No RS Stamp = worth doing IMO

Standard rear discs and pads would be fine, the braking bias and weight distrobution is so toward the front that is what needs teh attention.
  Clio 172 RS2
Hi Jon!

Get some piccies up!
Also of the Scooby... and welcome on CS.

Brembo HC w. Ferodo DS2500 work a treat!

  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
Cheers for the hello and the help ralphizzle was looking at the Brembo hc and carbine Lorraine pads as K tech have these on offer for £178 all in :)
  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
Will keep an eye on the meeting section fella, I want to have more than a standard model before the first one ;)
  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
Hi guys, I listened to your advice and ordered some HC discs an DS2500 pads and will be fitting at the weekend. I have also ordered some HEL braided hoses and dot 5 fluid. Next plan is the vmaxx or k-tek coil overs, going to go with about a 30mm drop setup so not to screw handling unless people know of a better height for best height vs handling?

After this it is alloys, looking at the team dynamics 1.2 for looks and weight saving so improve performance, brake cooling and looks. After that it is engine performance and mapping :approve:
  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
Hi all, I got round to taking some pics of my standard Clio 182 the other night. Along with the disk, pads, braded hoses which are done I now have got the following to fit and will take more pics later when fitted. K-tech coilovers, front splitter and solid top mounts, towing eye also an arb kit and rear strut brace. As you can guess I want to make a track car pics are in the below link:

Thank you

The bes


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Welcome to the club! Your car looks mint! Good choice of mods so far as well, minus the Ktec coilovers :p I had a set myself on my old car for a time and I think you will find them to soft for track use, they are fine for road but they aren't the best setup by a long way :(

Was just looking at my track car old project thread and remember that I saved 12kg from taking all the carpet out, another 7kg saved from all the tar under the carpet, so this fairly easy to get the weight down. The standard seats weigh a ton as do the wheels.

Encase your interested my old thread in here
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  Clio 200 & Golf GTD
Looked at your thread, the car looks great and impressive spec, ps how hard was the steering wheel to fit as I have heard some horror stories about doubt these. I fitted one to my saxo turbo no problem but the stories have me worried?
