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hi ! new to the clio scene

  clio 172 phase 2
hi basicly ive just bought my self a clio phase 2 172 ..

i dont want to waste any time modifying so basicly i want to start with a good suspension setup and exhaust system ...

can anyone recommend the best exhaust system for a 172
also a suspension setup fastroad use ...

ive done some research and the yozza sport exhaust system came up a few times where could i purchase one of these.

ive got a bmc induction lying around too will this be worth changing over the standard unit...

another thing is there any common problems on these 172s ..

ive just come from the saxo/106 scene so know alot about them but nothing about the clio sport so its a new start for me :) all help would be very much apreciated

thank you dan
Hello welcome to the forum, Im new myself and cant offer much help but seeing as how no one has replied to you so far thought I would!
  MK3 GTI golf 16v
yozza you get off fred on here from the traders section. think you might need to pay membership to see it

i would get the phase 1 172 airbox for your car, think im right in thinking there a lot better than the phase 1 ones. either that or after market.

how much do you want to spend on suspension?

what miles has it done ? making sure the cambelt is fine is one of the most important things to do
