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Hi There

  172 Cup
Hi guys and girls just introducing myself, ive just brought a 52 plate clio 172 cup :)

Not picking it up till Tuesday though so will be a slow few days, will get some pics up next week.
  172 Cup
No sure atm see how i get on with it to begin with, needs a cam belt doing so i will get that sorted. Any idea what there like to do ? i am a mechanic but i was thinking might be best to send it to some one who knows what there doing, there is a Clio specialist not far from me, he quoted me about £ 460, does that sound about right ?

And it has some brand new after market wheels on it but im looking for some original cup wheels if there are any going :)
  172 Cup
BTM performance in Birmingham. He also quoted to change the dephaser, why do they get changed and would you recommend it ? The car has done 22500 Miles
  172cup/ insignia
Did you get the cup of ebay i think i saw other day with similar miles on. And welcome you will love the cup. I havnt looked back since buying mine
  rb182 cup
theres a few turinis about at the mo on ebay....with the age of them now,they probably need a re-furb though
