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hmmm crash :’(

driving our lass home last nite, around 11 o clock, goes up the M62 like i do nearly every night, comes round slip road to enter M1, back end slid out on diesel or something around 60/65, tried to correct it but made no difference.

car span, hit a few barriers and a lamp post and is now pretty totalled.

what has pissed me off more though is that i came out with a bit of a stiff neck while my sweetheart is still in hospital having tests and checks with a suspected broken neck, broken arm and internal bleeding after the passenger door swung open and left her hanging out while we spun down the slip road.

cant go visit her in hospital because her parents want to kill me and she doesnt want to see me anyways, so a pretty unsuccessful night i think.

police came and took all details from me and checked i was legal, lucky i diluted that pint down 3 hours earlier with plenty coke and food.

so i had the car 3 weeks, payed 300 quid for that, 1250 insurance and 60 quid road tax, lot of oney to lose in under a month, at least we are both still here thats all that matters. have to admit the clio is a goddam strong car!! survived pretty well considering.
  Ziel Nurburgring

Sorry to hear that mate. Why are you worried though? If you were driving sensibley and the misss can vouch for it there is no worries, if you hit a patch on the road and you lose it, you just have to hang on. You werent driving like a c**k were you?
  Yaris Hybrid

Well the missus dont want to see him so maybe she thinks the driving wasnt sensible!

Unusual for the rear to go out like that. Unless someone is corning very hard I would expect nothing more than a tiny bit of understeer so long as his tyres were legal etc. If the road was so slippery that someone driving sensibly would crash then out of the thousands of people that went round that corner last night you would expect hundreds of them to have crashed?

Guess thats the trouble with driving to impress, if it works your in for a good night and if it doesnt work you end up sat at home on your own watching match of the day!

In fairness though there could have been something wrong with the car.
  R.I.P 182

Im sorry to hear bout you, your gf and the car!! I hope you are both alright!! Yeah as blink says you should be ok if you were driving sensibly, and fair enough she doesnt want to talk to you now she probably hurts etc, but if you were driving sensibly she would know that it wasnt your fault!!!


I hope it all turns out ok for you.. :(

Your car a write off or is it ok?

.. driving like a c**k. thats one of the reasons why driving tales is rightly locked. because people post stupid stories of going fast and well over the speed limit and sometimes it all ends in tears. theres too much max power, topgear fast and the furious mentalist attitude to driving and young people are effected by this.. thank god for harsh insurance at young ages...

although there is the exception when a lad in our village was bought a brand new STI impreza by his dad !!


2 dead (no seatbelt in back and killed the front passenger) and hes a cripple.

not saying you were driving dangerously but ive read the post and im making assumptions. sorry if im wrong.

[Edited by cliotuRS ]

How can you pay £300 for a car and expect to take corner at that sort of speed

of course your gona loose it , it was probaly taken in part ex at some main dealer for £50.

your saying the passenger door flew open , mate that car was a death trap and you know it !!

Hope the girl gets better .
  Mini Cooper S sport

Sounds like the seatbelt wasnt working properly if she was hanging out of the door..

I hope she makes a full recovery, and this will probably make you a more cautious driver in future (and Im not saying you were driving dangerously).

Im glad nothing more serious happened.

Jesus, sounds pretty serious, how fast were you actually going?

Hope the GF gets better quickly.

Any news on your GF mate, hope shes ok. I feel the same as all the rest of the posts. As long as you were driving safely and it was the road conditions that caused the accident then youll be fine, all you need to do is concentrate on getting you GF better.

life is a sh*t sometimes. hope you t e gf and all involved get well and sort things out. take it easy.

and fao everyone whos jumping to conclusions leave the guy alone ffs he seems pretty screwed together to me if hes done wrong then he will live and learn.

Quote: Originally posted by iceblue182 on 02 October 2004

life is a sh*t sometimes. hope you t e gf and all involved get well and sort things out. take it easy.

and fao everyone whos jumping to conclusions leave the guy alone ffs he seems pretty screwed together to me if hes done wrong then he will live and learn.
What he said.

Hope ur gf gets well soon mate, i know it makes you feel bad that she was hurt that badly and you werent.

Not a ncie experience spinning around, bouncing off things with no control over the car...been there done that, and as i said not nice, i was lcuky in that the only injury was my car...and it wasnt my fault.

My sympathies to you mate

this is a driving tale i thought we had banned this sort of stuff

the bloke cant drive hes nearly killed an innocent girl yet we all sit here and say "sorry to here youve f**ked the car up "

that just mad and i cant believe we can say that about the whole story
  Clio v6

Tashlad does not say anywhere that he was driving like a c**k or a racing /driving tales sort of post. I have slipped on fuel whilst simply driving along normally, and it was scarey.

I hope you and yours are not too badly hurt.

Best wishes.
  clio 172 ph2 02 reg

Very unfortunate tashlad666 , firstly lets hope your partner is okay, second lets hope you have learned from this. It may sound sissy but one of the reasons I got my car was cos of the 4 air bags etc, I wouldnt feel good taking my close family or anyone about in a car I thought was unsafe. Let us all know how you get on.

Quote: Originally posted by dailyd on 02 October 2004

Very unfortunate tashlad666 , firstly lets hope your partner is okay, second lets hope you have learned from this. It may sound sissy but one of the reasons I got my car was cos of the 4 air bags etc, I wouldnt feel good taking my close family or anyone about in a car I thought was unsafe. Let us all know how you get on.
One of the main reasons that the day after i got the RSi i riped the std seats and sissy seat helts out and stuck my bucket setas and harnesses in there
  Street Triple R

cant believe your even thinking about the car!

if my G/F was hurt that bad i couldnt give a stuff about the car
  Yaris Hybrid

Hmm well his missus sounds pretty well busted up. Me thinks she would be looking to claim damages on his insurance. To do that she would have to make a statement to police that he was not driving with due care and attention and the old bill would them do him for that as well? Wonder if thats why she wont talk to him as this might make it difficult to claim as a third party if she is seen to be friendly with him after the accident?

Clearly she would have a good chance of succeeding and getting some money out of it because as I pointed out no one else crashed.

Still feel sorry for the bloke though as its easily done especially when you aint had the car long.

Quote: Originally posted by DoddCup on 03 October 2004

Quote removed at authors request.

Insurance companies take the risk of insuring people and based upon a vast array of statistics young people are more likely to crash that there older and more experienced counterparts. In light of this insurance companies mitigate this risk by setting high premiums in order that they have sufficient funds to pay out in the event that the insurance policy is invoked.

Now clearly not all young people fall into this mould, however the majority do, when I was at school numerous friends wrote off their cars within the first year of ownership, which suggests that the insurance companies do not take an unreasonable view.

Insurance companies will consider the typical person of your age and then take into account other factors such as.....type of car/length driving licence held/licence points/previous incidents.

At the end of the day we live in a society where we want things today and not tomorrow, there is no degree of patience.

As alluded to above.....its a dangerous game your playing as a Named driver on your parents insurance IF you are in reality the main driver and doing the majority of miles in the car - be careful.

[Edited by Lee on 17 October 2004 at 12:54pm]

sh!t m8 sorry 2 hear about ur crash, makes my friday night crash sound like bumping a kerb, clio owners all seem 2 have bad luck, the taxi that caused my crash drove off :-(

hope ur g/f;s alright and she lets u explain urself

its natural 4 her 2 be in shock and 2 blame u as u were the driver, even if u were doing nothing wrong shell do it for a while , even more so if she doesnt drive herself, and as 4 her parents, there just trying 2 protect their daughter, give things time and just hope she makes a full recovery m8

i told her parents what happened and how sorry i am and everything.

i admitted i was goin over the legal limit for that bit of road to the police and told them the full story. they said it sounded about right and that i was honest about it all and put it down to crap weather conditions, youth enthusiasm and lack of experience and said that they cant really do me for dangerous driving or being over the drink drive limit or anything, so well see.

thanks for your sympathies

how fast were u going then, as 60/65 isnt over the limit isit???

brave lad telling the police u were over the speed limit mate,

whats news on parents on g/f?? how is she and how are her parents with u?

how long had u been going out with her?

Quote: Originally posted by DoddCup on 03 October 2004

Quote removed at authors request.
I agree, you are both young and stupid! Driving a quick car with little experience and an insurance policy that probably wont pay out if you have an accident is not a clever idea. I cant believe your parents would allow you to do it. My folks would rather kill themselves than organise for my insurance on a fast car that could end up killing me. I think both your folks and yourself are crazy, but hey, its your life and this is just my view, and as you said, your mate got cancer so thats a great reason to have fun in fast cars :confused:

[Edited by Lee on 17 October 2004 at 12:56pm]


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.

Quote: Originally posted by DoddCup on 03 October 2004

Quote removed at authors request.
And what happens if you crash it? I certainly wouldnt want to pay the repair bill for minor damage to a mercedes, let alone anything major. If you check the wording you may even find that you are specifically prohibited from doing this as you own both cars.

Ive skidded on fuel on the road once before going across the fens (think raised roads with large deep ditches either side), Id gone round one corner and saw the fuel in the road and the car started shifting, luckily it didnt move too much, so I slowed right down (20 mph or so) went round another corner (90 degrees) and the car went - I had full opposite lock going round the corner sideways, the guy heading towards me must have mailto:cr@pped">cr@pped himself - luckily I kept control of the car and carried on. Had I been going my normal speed no way would I have kept it, Id have been in the ditch and most likely totalled the car.

You may have faith in your own driving abilities, but it only takes some random event to put you way out of your own depth.

[Edited by Lee on 17 October 2004 at 12:57pm]

Quote: Originally posted by Red Clio 52 on 03 October 2004

Quote: Originally posted by DoddCup

Quote removed at authors request.
However are you ever going to get any no claims bonus of your own??

It is a dangerous game to be a named driver on your parents insurance if you are the main driver of your car. You might find that an insurance company would NOT pay up in the event of a claim and you could loose your Cup.:(
Im a named driver on my mums insurence, and insurence on me is still £2k...(£1.5k when they determine that the crash wasnt my fault), but i had an accident, claim went through fine, althoguht its in my mums name, but im listed on the insurence as the main driver

[Edited by Lee on 17 October 2004 at 12:58pm]
  Yaris Hybrid

In most cases you can only get insured on the car if you are the registered keeper. My bro bought a new Yaris, just a 1.0 but he is 18 and the insurance was ridiculous so he bought the car in my mums name and is a named driver but he pays for all the insurance as my mum doesnt drive. Not worried about building a no claims cos some dick could do a hit and run and he would lose it all anyway through no fault of his own. He will start getting his own insurance once he is over 21.

If you want to get comprehensive insurance on a little car and drive a bigger car using the 3rd party side of it then the bigger car cannot be registered to you. So it has to be registered to someone else and for them to get it taxed they would have to get insurance etc.
  '01 Saxo VTS + '79 1275GT

Yeah, youve got it covered til you run a kid down, then find youre not insured.

I got my VTS when I turned 18, Id worked hard for it, and the insurance was crippling (in my own name), but now Ive got a few years NCB behind me, I can buy something properly fast (or significantly faster, anyway). When you finally get your own insurance, its still going to cost the earth to insure anything much quicker than the Cup.

Its your life, though.


[Edited by Rich VTS on 03 October 2004 at 7:18pm]

playing the system always means the system turns round and bites you in the a$$ eventually.

this is true of everything especially insurance!

Originally posted by Rich VTS on 03 October 2004Yeah, youve got it covered til you run a kid down, then find youre not insured.I got my VTS when I turned 18, Id worked hard for it, and the insurance was crippling (in my own name), but now Ive got a few years NCB behind me, I can buy something properly fast (or significantly faster, anyway). When you finally get your own insurance, its still going to cost the earth to insure anything much quicker than the Cup.Its your life, though.Rich
[Edited by Rich VTS on 03 October 2004 at 7:18pm]

Id take heed of this advice mate.

Insurance companies are cracking down on "Fronting" too
  Octavia VRS

IMO there seems to be a few plonkers on this post - some saying the guy is guilty b4 they even know the full story. Others that are going to get insured on s**t cars and then drive mummys new merc and others that say dont drive fast even tho they own 172s - Why dont you get a slower car if you are of this belief?!

The truth is that I bet everyone of us has driven like an arse at times, including me, and some of us have been very lucky to get out of scary situations. This guy was unlucky, do u think he would want his gf in hospital?

Cmon folks, we learn from our mistakes

Rant over - had a bad day

Quote: Originally posted by POW_Clio on 03 October 2004

IMO there seems to be a few plonkers on this post - some saying the guy is guilty b4 they even know the full story. Others that are going to get insured on s**t cars and then drive mummys new merc and others that say dont drive fast even tho they own 172s - Why dont you get a slower car if you are of this belief?!

The truth is that I bet everyone of us has driven like an arse at times, including me, and some of us have been very lucky to get out of scary situations. This guy was unlucky, do u think he would want his gf in hospital?

Cmon folks, we learn from our mistakes

Rant over - had a bad day
this is true i can admit to driving like a arse at times, i certainly didnt buy a williams to drive slow everywere, but that doesnt mean i drive fast everywere all of the time,

as for insurence i understand fully why ppl do insure cars in there parents names, reason is cost! i use to insure my cars in my mums name simply because i couldnt afford the daft amount to insure cars!

lets be honest theres alot of ppl who would rather take the risk of not insuring there car and getting a fine and points instead, why...

because insurence is a rip-off simple!!
  Octavia VRS

totally agree mate and i have been on my dads insurance as a named driver even tho it is my car. Prob just jealous cause my mummy and daddy dont have a merc!

Insurance is so bloody daft tghat it would have cost me 1400 quid to insure my 1.4 clio when i got it 2 years ago - i was 21 - now its down to 600
  Ford F-150 5.4 V8

hope the GF gets better soon mate an you can stay together.


As for insurance ive always payed my own, first car a 120bhp XR2 payed 1400 third party at 17! then a brand new 1.4 clio at 18 that cost 1500 fully comp then the 172 at 21 which cost 1300 fully comp, now 23 an i only pay 900 quid fully comp on a Focus RS. Cost me to get here but now i can afford the car i can also afford the insurance, had i got to 23 on my parents with no NCBs they wouldnt touch me for a RS.

my opinion is you should do it in your own name but can 100% see why people dont becos insurance can be so expensive!!! an for all those cars ive claimed once! on the 1.4 clio, a total claim of £1300 for all that cash shelled out!!

[Edited by Silver on 03 October 2004 at 8:22pm]
