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hmmm crash :’(

Hope yer gf has a swift recovery

I too have slipped on diesel and wrote my car off, luckly with no injury whatsoever to me or my wife and no 3rd party involved. It still sh*ts me up though thinking what could have been.
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2


I hope your girlfriend has a full recovery and that this event brings you both closer together.

On this occassion, I agree entirely with Red Clio 52 Re: his comments above and previous page.

And yes the Insurance forum can be found a bit further down the forum as James said.

Be careful people, I had a Cup at 19 and that was a ridiculasly fast car at the time. I paid for the whole car myself and insured it myself.

Im now 22 and its still a ridiculasly fast car, it can be dangerous, un-predicatable and an accident waiting to happen.

Wise up, buckle up and f**king grow up. Were not Schumacher or McRaes.

Quote: Originally posted by CupCake on 03 October 2004


I hope your girlfriend has a full recovery and that this event brings you both closer together.

On this occassion, I agree entirely with Red Clio 52 Re: his comments above and previous page.

And yes the Insurance forum can be found a bit further down the forum as James said.

Be careful people, I had a Cup at 19 and that was a ridiculasly fast car at the time. I paid for the whole car myself and insured it myself.

Im now 22 and its still a ridiculasly fast car, it can be dangerous, un-predicatable and an accident waiting to happen.

Wise up, buckle up and f**king grow up. Were not Schumacher or McRaes.
Im Paula Radcliffe........
  Mondeo STTDCI

Sympathies to the guy and his GF. Hope she gets better. And in a £300 sh*tter (and I have had a couple) I refused to do above 60mph and then only if in a straight line (i.e. not bends).

Doors flying open etc definitely worry me - MOT etc?!

ANYWAY, just my contribution to the insurance sh*t, if you are a named driver under a policy and are in REALITY the main driver, you are committing insurance fraud.

OK you think, how are they gonna know? Well they wont. Until you need them. When you have a crash or incident, the insurance company will

1) know you are only a named driver on the car

2) know the other cars in the household and whom they are registered to

Add 2+2, employ a loss adjustor/investigator. All they have to do is knock on a few neightbours doors ("whose is the blue clio"). Your neighours say "the young lad across the road". Youll be f**ked. Insurance null and void, insurance fraud, bill for you car, bill for other car/s, bill for any road furniture you have wrecked.

Good luck mate :)

at least he takes the time to insure the car! alot of ppl dont even bother with insurence, yes he may run that risk etc

but why dont u go find/slate the ppl who dont even insure/tax or MOT there cars!!

these ppl are a risk to society! not someone because he has had to insure his car in his mums name ffs

and yes there will always be dangerous drivers but there is an all ages groups male or female! full stop

[Edited by richy on 03 October 2004 at 10:15pm]

its "THE clio CURSE" dun dun dun....

sorry to hear your gf was hurt. i feel lucky no one was hurt in my shunt. good thing i only had mere minions in mine ;)
  172 Exclusive

Sorry to hear about this and hope you and your GF get better.

Will everyone stop giving him a hard time he had an ACCIDENT he did not drive the car into the central reservation on purpose ACCIDENT these things happen.

Ye, but an accident that he probably could have prevented judging from his post.


I know you have been on track and you know that the backend doesnt just go straight away, its quite progressive and easy to correct unless you are going way too fast. I flick the backend out all the time when I am on track, but I have never ever got my clio sideways on the road even in the pissing rain with diesel on the road or whatever.

He was either driving too fast for the conditions or too fast for his ability. Either way someone has got hurt because of it. I dont see any place for posts like this on this forum.

  Clio 1.4, SV650S

Quote: Originally posted by richy on 03 October 2004

at least he takes the time to insure the car! alot of ppl dont even bother with insurence, yes he may run that risk etc
But if the insurance company declare the insurance void then it amounts to the same thing anyway...

Driving costs money if you want a nice car you have to pay for it unfortunately its expensive but theres not a whole lot you can do about it...

if someone had come on here saying... "this 18 year old lad was insured on his mums insurance, hes just crashed into my new 182 and now the insurance wont pay out" then there would be a load of completely different replies to the thread.

In response to the original post, hope the missis is ok, its good you were honest to the cops and im sure its taught you a hell of a lot! (i had a little spin in the wet and i drive much better now! happens to us all!)

[Edited by entjm on 17 October 2004 at 1:22pm]

hey man sorry to hear bout ya accident, hope u n ur gf make a full recovery n it all works prob be distraught if i had injured my gf in a car accident whether i was driving reckless or not n i wasnt allowed to c her.

the majority of ppl are prob guilty of drivin fast n sometimes showing off but it aint funny when it all ends in tears.

its made me think!!

again hope it all works out ok

Quote: Originally posted by DAVE_RSi on 03 October 2004
how fast were u going then, as 60/65 isnt over the limit isit???brave lad telling the police u were over the speed limit mate, whats news on parents on g/f?? how is she and how are her parents with u?how long had u been going out with her?

Think where this guy had his crash on M62/M1 junction is 50mph as the bend onto M1 is a bit tight.

For f**k sake!! I couldnt be arsed reading all the posts but there are some real preachers on here who need to get a life.Why start slating someone off when you dont f**king know them?? Or you dont know what happened

Quote: Originally posted by tashlad666 on 02 October 2004

driving our lass home last nite, around 11 o clock, goes up the M62 like i do nearly every night, comes round slip road to enter M1, back end slid out on diesel or something around 60/65, tried to correct it but made no difference.

car span, hit a few barriers and a lamp post and is now pretty totalled.

what has pissed me off more though is that i came out with a bit of a stiff neck while my sweetheart is still in hospital having tests and checks with a suspected broken neck, broken arm and internal bleeding after the passenger door swung open and left her hanging out while we spun down the slip road.

cant go visit her in hospital because her parents want to kill me and she doesnt want to see me anyways, so a pretty unsuccessful night i think.

police came and took all details from me and checked i was legal, lucky i diluted that pint down 3 hours earlier with plenty coke and food.

so i had the car 3 weeks, payed 300 quid for that, 1250 insurance and 60 quid road tax, lot of oney to lose in under a month, at least we are both still here thats all that matters. have to admit the clio is a goddam strong car!! survived pretty well considering.
i would be much more worried about the broken neck part!!! you managed to lose the back end going on a road that you travel on everynite?? hope your gf pulls through with out anylongterm injury cos a broken neck is pretty serious

Firstly i hope your GF is ok and she makes a full recovery.

Secondly - insuring a car at 17/18 is incredibly difficult and expensive. When i was 17 the majority of places wouldnt touch my situation and those companies geared towards younger drivers quoted me £4k plus! (im driving a 1.4RT with alloys, lowered, exhaust, IK)

I had 1 option - spend £1k on insurance in my dads name - as far as im aware i was fully legal and fully insured on my car, i dont understand why ppl are saying that the insurance company could turn around and say that there going to void the inurance!?!?!?!

so in response to entjms comments - what do you expect young drivers to do????

Im 18 and im paying £1900 in my own name - this is a ridiculous amount and unfortunately down to those ppl who dont insure there car due to the fact that they cant afford it!!!

Rant over!! Touchy subject! :cry:

Well the reason why its so expensive is that most crashes/claims (percentage wise) come from the 17-21 age group, hence you have to pay more money....

Most crashes on these forums seem to be in the same age group to, so maybe the Insurance companys have it right after all....;)

Its always been the same, when I was young I bought a car depending on what the insurance costs would be, all I could afford was a 1000cc Mini (old one too), maybe you young guys here shouldnt expect to have too faster car untill you are a bit older/wiser??, there is a thread somewhere on here with an 18 year old carshing a 172 cup....;)..begs the question why was someone so young/inexperinced doing with a CUP in the first place??

I reckon that for your first two year probation period aftger passing your test

you should be limited to under 45bhp and 1000cc cars.....:eek:

Controversial, but hey that life...


Hmm .. well my first car was a £600 canary yellow 850cc mini and it taught me plenty...... though Id spent a couple of years on 50cc mopeds and 125cc, 250cc bikes.

Id be all for making everyone ride a bike for 12 months.... now that will teach you a thing or two about respect for roads, traffic and weather!!

Dont slow down for a greasy roundabout on a bike and youll be picking the gravel out for months

If youre lucky enough to have a decent car at an early age.. take it steady and enjoy learning the skill of car control. Hurting into a bend on a rainy night full of bravado can only end in tears.
  Clio 1.4, SV650S

Quote: Originally posted by Carl_RT on 17 October 2004

so in response to entjms comments - what do you expect young drivers to do????
drive a slower car, build up no claims then drive a faster car when you can afford it.... like i have done and like most others.

you might not realise it but (ignorance is no excuse) the FACT is that if youre a named driver and not the policy holder, then you shouldnt drive the car most the time, and if the insurance company find that this is the case, then they might void the insurance and therefore you are not covered. in effect youre CHEATING them by getting an older person on the insurance. thats why the insurancy is expensive... if being a named driver most of the time was legit then the insurance would be cheap in the first place.

please say you understand that, cos i think ive been pretty clear.

im sure if someone got crashed into by an uninsured (or voided) driver this forum would be up in arms.

[Edited by entjm on 18 October 2004 at 2:22am]

Quote: Originally posted by shmall on 17 October 2004

Well the reason why its so expensive is that most crashes/claims (percentage wise) come from the 17-21 age group, hence you have to pay more money....

Most crashes on these forums seem to be in the same age group to, so maybe the Insurance companys have it right after all....;)

Its always been the same, when I was young I bought a car depending on what the insurance costs would be, all I could afford was a 1000cc Mini (old one too), maybe you young guys here shouldnt expect to have too faster car untill you are a bit older/wiser??, there is a thread somewhere on here with an 18 year old carshing a 172 cup....;)..begs the question why was someone so young/inexperinced doing with a CUP in the first place??

I reckon that for your first two year probation period aftger passing your test

you should be limited to under 45bhp and 1000cc cars.....:eek:

Controversial, but hey that life...

going a bit off topic here but thats all well and true so young folk get 1.2 clios or something similar and then get sl*gged to fuk by half the folk on this site for not having a valver willy or cup??? your damned if you do and damned if you dont. doesnt matter wot engine size you have you can do just as much damage with any car.
  Cup 172

Quote: Originally posted by shmall on 17 October 2004

I reckon that for your first two year probation period aftger passing your test

you should be limited to under 45bhp and 1000cc cars.....:eek:

Controversial, but hey that life...

Holy sh*t Simon thats a bit harsh isnt it? 45bhp means everyone would have to have a 1.0 Polo Fox or a 2CV or something. Do any new cars come with less than 45bhp these days?

I think Id rather have a son/daughter of mine driving a new modern car with more power and up to date safety features, than some old pile of sh*t that was built over a decade ago.

Cant believe the dude got such a flaming from people who didnt even know the circumstances..morons!

First of all, im glad youre ok, and well done for being honest, it makes a refreshing change whe you see other posts on here asking how to get away with speeding fines etc. Best wishes to your girlfriend, its a shame she doesnt want to talk to you. Hopefully once shes collected her thoughts shell realise that everyone makes mistakes, and with driving theres not many people who have at least one. Unfortunately, for some, the outcome can be worse. I know ive been lucky to get away with a lot, ive learnt, and moved on. Hope you do the same.


Quote: Originally posted by MIKE-CUP on 18 October 2004
Quote: Originally posted by shmall on 17 October 2004 <FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #407db6"><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #407db6">I reckon that for your first two year probation period aftger passing your test<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #407db6">you should be limited to under 45bhp and 1000cc cars.....:eek:<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #407db6">Controversial, but hey that life...<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #407db6"> <FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #407db6"> <FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #407db6">Simon.
[/QUOTE]Holy sh*t Simon thats a bit harsh isnt it? 45bhp means everyone would have to have a 1.0 Polo Fox or a 2CV or something. Do any new cars come with less than 45bhp these days?I think Id rather have a son/daughter of mine driving a new modern car with more power and up to date safety features, than some old pile of sh*t that was built over a decade ago.

i agree with simon to a degree maybe 80ho would be a more realistic figure though.

if you need further persuasion look at dodd cups posts in here.... 18 with a cup insured in a dodgy way he just crashed his going too fast on a wet road.
