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Homemade washer blanks

mad in general

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 2
A while back I remember someone mentioning that they were attempting this.

I never seem to see them in time when they come up for sale and I don't want to fork out too much for them to be honest.

So, has anybody tried this? How did/would you go about it?

Hi, I plan to make washer blanks from a broken bumper. The shape should be fine on the same locations.

mad in general

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 2
How easy would it be to remove the washers and smooth over the holes? What would I use? I do have a small pot of the correct paint and not overly fussed about it being a profesional job.
  LY FF182
Remove washes, plastic weld some plastic to back of the bumper, fill the recess with filler smooth and paint.
