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How do I change brake pads (Dynamique)

Going to change the brake pads on my 2002 1.2 16v Clio Dynamique.

Wondering if someone can give me some instructions on how?



Dead easy 20 mins a side (assuming you dont work to hard and its easier if you have someone help ya.

To change the brakes

1- Jack the car up

2- Put blocks under the car (incase the jack fails)

3- Take the wheel of

4- Unbolt the caliper (has someone got a picture showing the screws to be undone?) There the only two you could take of and there mounted at the back of the caliper pointing towards the engine. To unbolt them hit them very hard (use a hammer) and hold the inner bolt still with another spanner.

5- Get someone to pull the caliper of.

6- Remove the pads from both sides of the disks (dead easy)

7- Put the new pads in place of the ones you just took out (make sure you put them in the right way round)

8- Get a G clamp and use it to push the piston inwards on the caliper your assistant is holding.

9- Put the caliper back on and reattach the bolts at the back with new ones (the new brake kit should come with new bolt)

10- put he wheel back on and lower the car.

11- Question what that liquid is doing dripping from under the car and realise you should have let the excess brake fluid out the reservoir.

12- Pump the brakes a few time before you let the car roll down the drive and then when hitting the brakes for the foirst time realise they dont work as they need to be pumped a few times to recalibrate them.

13- Repeat to the other side (allways replace both sides of the cars brakes at once)

14- Pat yourself on the back as you saved yorself £72 (Renault wanted £90 to do mine and the halfords ferardo kit costs £17. Looking at the old pads it seems the old ones and the new ones are the same as ferardo makes the Reanult ones)

I will try and get a picture showing what bolts to undo on the caliper. Have a look in a Renault Clio Haynes manual as it shows you there (Libraries usually have loads of Haynes manuals for reference and photocoping is only 10p a sheet so make a copy)

