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How do I power this lot

Right, Im in the middle of building my fully removeable ICE install. Kit is as follows:-

Alpine 7876RB
Alpine MRV-F307
Alpine MRV-T757
Alpine MRV-T707
Alpine SPR-692B
Alpine DDC-F17C
Kicker 8" Solobaric *2 }
Kicker 12" Solobaric } Square ones!
Optima Yellow Top Batt.

Im making up some removable amp racks and sub boxes for the boot so I can take it all out quicly and easily for 1/4 miling/trackdays.

Question is what guage of cables will I need to use and will I need caps/uprated alternator?

Simon, youd probably be best going for 0-gauge cabling with that little lot, just to be safe, as Im sure the three amps combined must draw at least 120A of current. The Yellow Optima will make a big difference over the standard battery, as its deep-cycle and will therefore be able to give more power (at least the 14.4V manufacturers amp output figures are based on, possibly up to about 20V) for longer than the standard one, but a cap or two would also help ease the strain on the alternator on a system as big as this(mine struggles at even a 50A draw), but if you do get caps youll need to make sure they operates at 20V rather than 16V, (most do anyway), as the Optima will give out up to 20V. I saw some good deals on Lightning Audio 1Farad caps (no display) at £79.99 and Directed 1Farad caps with displays at £99.99 from New Image Car Hi-fi (0208-427-1111). An uprated alternator would be a last resort Id say, as theyre bloody expensive!!

Actually, it wouldnt need to be 0-gauge, 4-gauge would be ok, I just checked my cable ratings guide and youd be fine with 4AWG.
