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how do you kill a hard drive

  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
ok so dont ask questions but is there a easy way to inilate a hard drive?
wipe it , kill it etc?
  RS 182
An industrial magnet would do the job but assuming you dont have access to one of those a mallet will work well.. and be more fun.
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
its in a works PC, i can get i massive magnet off a sub but well its too heavy to carry and i will get wierd looks, kill it all together lol

i may have infected it with tonnes of viruses by accident
  Astra CDTI SRI
I normally take a big screwdriver to the IDE connector at the back, snap off a couple of the chips on the bottom, then use the same big screw driver and a big hammer and smack it a couple of times.

Wear some goggles though, coz the little bits that fly off can do some damage!
  RS 182
its in a works PC, i can get i massive magnet off a sub but well its too heavy to carry and i will get wierd looks, kill it all together lol

i may have infected it with tonnes of viruses by accident

The magnet bit was a poor joke ;) you'd need a seriously strong electromagnet to wipe a drive properly, are you trying to wipe it so you can use it again or juts get rid of it without fear of data theft? if its the latter then just smash the thing up and bin it, if its the first then a normal windows full format and reinstall will do the job.

its in a works PC, i can get i massive magnet off a sub but well its too heavy to carry and i will get wierd looks, kill it all together lol

i may have infected it with tonnes of viruses by accident

Just take off a couple of chips.
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
i have a seriously big magnet hahah bout the size of a dinner plate

i just wana wipe it completely,
  Polo + Micra
how about an insulation resistance tester??? 500vDC on to the ide pins should do the trick
  RB 182
You may as well re-use it if it's only got viruses on it instead of ruining it. Just format it and re-use is what I would do as viruses don't bugger it up completely you can still re-use after formatting.
