Lew is right, he is more precatious than me though. If the previous owner hacked away at it with t cut, or has polished it with a machine numerous times with an agressive compound then it could be very thin in places.
Personally, id get a DA and hack away at it anyway. Simply because Id want a swirl free car and if it ment respraying a pannel then id go do it for that reason. Just be aware of the *possibility* that there might be very little paint left in places. Its not like the DA is a dangerous machine and when polishing (not compounding) very little paint/laquer is removed anyway - Im sure Lew will disagree though.
Im not sure ive ever read posts on a forum before, that have been as wary as Lew is when it comes to machine polishing. Personally, Im encouraging you to go buy a DA and some polish and have a crack. Just be aware of that possible problem where the paintwork could be thin in places, all cars do vary.