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How much is a G220 worth?


ClioSport Club Member
Hardly ever use my G220, so thinking of selling it once I have given my car a quick go over with it.

Perfect condition, still in the hard case with all the bits. Also comes with the following:

4 pads, SFX1, 2 and 3, one of each, and then an extra of one grade, cant remember which at the minute. Each has only been used about 4 times, since buying them.

SFX1, 2 and 3 polishes, not loads left, but enough to do a car easily with each bottle.

Menzerna Intensive Polish, brand new, but will use it on my car.

Will be a good starter kit for someone like it was for me, but I never get time to use it so not much point having it anymore!
  Golf GTD Mk7
I'd say between 150-160 really. People always want to buy new. You can get similar stuff, for around 200 new. Also, if it is from the first batch to hit the UK it could be faulty


can get them £130 new from some places. search it.
in reply to orginal post, should ask about £100 for it.
  In between cars....
That lot is 185 new from i4 i think, will be getting it soon myself but gonna go for the megs
