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how much is it worth ?

would much appreciate opinions about this ..........

2001 y plate
currently on 74k
FSH - last service done at 72k inc cambelt and aux belts etc.
would come with 6 months tax
years m.o.t
2 female owners from new








any further questions please let me know , same applies if i have left any info out.

many thanks

  X-172 Cup
looks like a valver sport - it's in fantastic condition woth £2500 of anyones money but if it was mine I'd be asking more
clio gb looking to sell at the march/april time as im looking to get a 172 after 2 years of wanting i can afford to get one i think. so if i was to put it up for £2950 i could always get knocked down i spose but that seams like it would be a good starting pirce ?

  X-172 Cup
yes - the cars a credit to you - looks lovely, the only 'fault', though it's not really a fault is the relatively high miles...
its the only bad point so to speak yes. i thought i wouldnt be too bad though because of the fsh etc ? or am i wrong there ?
  Clio 197
cliosport1.216v said:
clio gb looking to sell at the march/april time as im looking to get a 172 after 2 years of wanting i can afford to get one i think. so if i was to put it up for £2950 i could always get knocked down i spose but that seams like it would be a good starting pirce ?


mk2 ph1 172 or mk2 ph2 172???:)
not sure yet , would like a mk 2 ph 2 but if i cant afford one with the right miles etc then i will get a mint mk 1 with low millege etc , could always put a xenon kit on a mk 1 172 ne way if i do get one. you looking to get one ?
  Megane 225 Cup
Fair does mate.. thats a good upgrade... thats what ill be doing next year for sure :D

good luck with the sale.. you shouldnt have any probs though as it looks in very good condition.
  Clio 197
cliosport1.216v said:
not sure yet , would like a mk 2 ph 2 but if i cant afford one with the right miles etc then i will get a mint mk 1 with low millege etc , could always put a xenon kit on a mk 1 172 ne way if i do get one. you looking to get one ?

Nah, I'm keeping my Clio for whiles and now I had it for 6yrs!:)


  182 Cup
bloody hell mate is that a recent pic??? its in better condition than mine!!!! lol
taken today actually , got home from work and started on it as soon as pos, only gave it a wash and a bit of tlc as i used to be a valeter i have treated the car with jewlultra dimonbrite and besides i polished and sealed it etc on wednesday so it only really needed a wash etc.

  MK2 Audi TT - 2.0T dsg.
Looks really nice. good luck with the sale, I got £2200 on a v reg 1.2 RN blue with 24000 miles on it though.
  172 mk2
Part exchange£1,805
Cost new£8,370

taken from 'what car' using a 1.2 16v dynamique on 74k
