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how to remove dashpanel?

  silver cup packed FF 182
wanting to remove the outer trim that goes around the heaters,and clock screen etc,is it just a matter of prising with a cloth and flat head screwdriver?
  silver cup packed FF 182
didnt need to remove it in the end,just that i had an annoying rattling noise coming somewhere from there,but when i started playing around/investigating it was the windscreen heater trim on the dash which was sqeaking lol,but have sorted it now(touchwood)
  silver cup packed FF 182
simple,lift the trim with a small flat headed screwdriver and with a cloth underneath,and what i did was got some ducktape rolled it so it had a sticky edge both side and stuck it under the trim and pressed against the trim to the dashboard and the noise went,if that fails im gunna loosen the trim and superglue it down that way i know the noise will never come back
