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How to tell if my car has aftermarket cams?

  Renaultsport Clio 172
As above, any easy way of telling? Lumpy idle, all other diagnosis has come up with nothing so is there an easy way of checking if my car has aftermarket cams? I saw someone mention looking under the oil cap but what am I looking for to differentiate normal vs afternarket cams?

Neil Clio 182

ClioSport Club Member
  Audi TT RS Clio 182
I have 197 cams, the only easy difference to spot is that I don't have the 5k rpms "power boost" that it had stock.

Neil Clio 182

ClioSport Club Member
  Audi TT RS Clio 182
I'm sure you lose that too with an rs tuner map.
Mine did it with a RS tuner map on, Chris at EFI had to remove it for me before he could map mine. Doesn't do it now, that my experience. I suppose it could depend on the map, guessing this might not be a good way to determine cams then.

I have the receipt for the works fitting them from Birchdown and then the mapping at EFI with dynos ;)
It's an expensive mod to then go throw out paper work, well it is for me!

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
When you say 'all other diagnosis has come up with nothing', have you had the physical timing checked by pinning the crank at TDC and slotting the tool in the cams?

I seem to remember your other thread where you mentioned the manifold pressure being around 400mbar on idle, rather than the usual mid 300's.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Mine has 197 cams and still has the 5k kick going on but maybe not as prominent. Easiest way to tell with the 197 cams imo is that idle will be just over 1000rpm even when warm and it just sounds different to normal.
  Renaultsport Clio 172
Limited paperwork with the car, but belts were done around 2 years ago, it’s dave120’s old car on here and he didn’t have an issue. Timing being checked tomorow with genuine renault tools, was just checking off all options and was wondering if there was an easy way of visually telling whether it has aftermarket cams or not as I read something about just looking under the oil filler cap but I can see f*ck all😂
