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i have the ALPINE - CDE9846R head unit

  ur megane r26
well as the title says i have the ALPine-CDE9846R headunit in my 1.2 dynamique and have wired an amp and a sub to it, which works brilliantly, now i am wanting to upgrade the standard 13cm speakers, any suggestions on which 13cm speakers i should go for.
  RB 182 Cup
most peole on hear dont realy do ice, find out what you want them for ie quality or bass etc and read up on some.
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
Ive personally got a set of Infinity Kappa’s, think theyre brill tbh. I bought them of a seller on eBay who was great to deal with and offers them at a good price. They’re far better than the infinity reference in which are in Halford’s for the same price as I paid for my Kappas.

The only visible part of my install are my tweeters which u can see a pic of here..
