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i think its about time i told nu

  C63 AMG, F430 & 172

i gotta tell nu bout me mods,,,i am on my mums insurance though will this affect this,,with my mum modifing the car lol
  500bhp Scoob

do you mean your driving your car, which is modified, without informing the insurance company?
  C63 AMG, F430 & 172

yer n no,,,, didnt think my mods like alloys would change this but apperently so
  500bhp Scoob

yep, they do, any modification, such as alloys, induction kits etc

Anything that changes the car from standard, apart from stereo system, n bits like that

If you were to have a crash without having your mods declared, they can, and prob will void your insurance, meaning your stuck with a nice bill for repairs
  C63 AMG, F430 & 172

cheers,, ill ring them later,, but will they click on that my mum dont drive the car,,if its moddified
  none :(

is the policy in ur moms name if so i think she would have to do it why dont u go on ya own insurance with em

i have a crash and 3 points to my name and they charged me £900 without mods where every other company wanted £1800+

Are you a named driver on the policy ?

I dont understand why people put insurance in their parents names. Ok, insurance is expensive. But technically you are commiting fraud. And your only delaying the inevitable. The first time you come to insure whether you do it now, or in 2 yeas time is going to be expensive.

Just bite the bullet mate.

My parents did me a massive favour by not letting put insurance in their names, its really not worth it as you have to pay for it in a couple of years when you want your own policy on a decent car.
  none :(

norwich union do this thing for young drivers called rapid something u get 1 years ncb in 9 months and if u have pass plus they give u one year for that straight away worth checking out


ClioSport Club Member

Likewaise, Im glad I couldnt go on My Mums policy.

Mine in only £700 TPFT with 5 points (CD10), and 1 Yeard NCB.

If you spend enough time looking, you will get it below £1K, which is expensive, but as has been said, in 3 years when you wanna get / can afford a good car, your insurance is gonna be a joke, even if you are 21.

Get Pass Plus (all the big companies recognise it) and then go on your own.

However, be carefull with mods, a lot of the bigger companies dont like mods on people below 25.

Try HIC (dont charge for non-pwer affecting mods), they are quite competitive, number is on the main page on that big list.
