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Ibiza spoilers

I was wondering if anybody could shed a little light on this for me? I have reasently tried to fit an ibiza spoiler to my rear bumper & found it to be no good. once cut to shape it was about 4" short either side to fit the contours of the original. I am now told that it was a rear one that I needed & not a front one, Is this the case? Cheers for any help.......

what the hell, you NOW found it was a rear bumper you needed to fit to the REAR of your car?so you tried to fit a front poiler to the rear of your car?


Its a IBIZA one you need and the bcak one is the same as the front. Ask wongy as he has fitted one and done a very good job of it! Or look through previous threads as I put a link to a guide for fitting the splitter.
